
I was raised in a environment where creativity was nurtured. I do my best to give back to the artistic community by helping with programs for youth involved in the filmmaking and creative process.

Through social media I’ve organized charitable contributions towards Baltimore Youth Arts and Young Arts Audiences Arts For Learning.

I’ve acted as a guest instructor with Townson University’s Film Program in Baltimore Maryland. I aided students with hands on learning utilizing my years of experience to oversee the onset audio for a senior thesis film.

In my home town of Annapolis, Maryland I was a guest instructor and supervising audio technician at Filmsters Academy. Filmsters is a summer camp for kids who want to learn about movie making. I have worked there for 8 years.

I have also volunteered with BAFTA for the Inner City Mentorship Program at Washington Prep in Inglewood, California for 5 years. They also have a partnership with the New York Film Academy (NYFA) which I participate in additionally.

Educating people about sound has become something of a passion for me. My tutorials and advice have been featured on Aputure's YouTube channel (see below).  I have also been featured on The Location Sound Podcast.

Stephen has been an invaluable mentor at George Washington Prep High School for several years through BAFTA LA’s Outreach Program. Wash Prep is a public school located in South LA. Mentors step into an already existing film curriculum and add their expertise and caring hearts to children whose lives are affected by gangs and drug infested neighborhoods, missing parents due to incarceration or drug addiction, battles with teenage pregnancy, extreme poverty and a never ending life of chaos. Stephen works one on one with students, and within production groups, guiding and teaching them the art of sound recording. He shares his passion and knowledge, always stressing the jobs available in the industry. He is patient and kind, and has a wonderful sense of humor, which makes kids gravitate to him. He consistently shows up. He is never intrusive and never looks for praise. Stephen mentors because it is in his soul to give back to his community and to those less fortunate.
— Sharyn Ross-Head of BAFTA LA Outreach Program, Inner-City High School Mentor, BAFTA LA Member